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发表于 2013-11-29 18:32:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(上) (彗星ISON与地球大转变的关系)

Comet ISON is not a Comet rather A MotherShip circumventing the Earth Unfolding the Event a Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 26, 2013

彗星ISON不是一个彗星, 而是一艘母舰

环绕着地球揭露 “地球转变大事件”

~~~透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导, 20131126

Greetings! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. We are in the last nanoseconds before changes on Earth. There have been so many positive changes that nothing can slow down the activations occurring as we speak.

大家好! 这是耶稣撒南达透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导.



目前有如此许多正面的改变们在发生当中 ~~而在我们说话的此时, 没有什么可以缓慢下 “事件启动”的正在发生.

The job of the StarShip ISON is to activate the New Earth Energy Grid preparing it for Zero Point as well as amp up our DNA to carry Liquid Light. The name ISON refers to the Light Matter Universe we came from called ON. We now are in the dark matter Universe of Nebadon. It is also a Command from On High “It Is On”!

母舰ISON的任务是去启动 “这新的地球能量栅栏网络”

~~准备好地球的 “零点能量场”,


“ISON” 的名字意指我们的出身地: “光物质宇宙~~ ‘嗡’”!

而我们现在是在 “暗物质宇宙~~ ‘内巴顿’”!

“ISON” 的名字同时也代表来自灵性高层的命令~~


NASA and the media cannot call it a StarShip without causing a lot of problems right before Disclosure. It is a StarShip nonetheless! StarShip ISON is one from Soltec’s Fleet of Ships. Soltec’s Flagship is the Phoenix. Soltec is in charge of all Communications between Ships in the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds.

NASA和媒体们不能称呼祂为 “星船” ---

因为这样会在 ‘大揭露’ 之前制造出许多问题.

但是无论如何 ~~这是一艘“星船”没错!


Soltec的主要星船就是 “凤凰号”.



When Earth Ascends it becomes the 33rd Member of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. Earth will be a voting Member in our Galactic Community. Soltec works hand in hand with Ashtar and the Galactic Federation as well as interfacing with those in other Sectors of Space.






StarShip ISON was released by Soltec from its docking station inside the Sun to bring in the Illumination from Helios and Vesta. Helios and Vesta are the Twin Flames who during the initial creation of this Solar System directed the Light Rays of Absolute Consciousness through the Ethers.


释放出来 ~~~来带入 ~~

来自Helios and Vesta太阳神和灶神星的光能.

Helios and Vesta太阳神和灶神星是 ‘双生光灵魂’

~~祂们在太阳系的创造之初 ~~就是指挥


They are responsible for directing each Planet to hold its place in orbit and direct all life living upon it. These are the crystalline light grids which hold each Planet in place and direct it in its evolution. Helios and Vesta are the Etheric Sun behind the Sun.



这些就是这些水晶光的栅栏网络 ~~



Helios and Vesta太阳神和灶神星就是


Their Cosmic Fire is the Energy we speak of which descends from Source Energy to the Central Sun at Alcyone and through that portal, through Helios and Vesta on the Causal Etheric Realm and down to our Sun Sol and to each Planet in this Solar System.  This Illumination of Divine Love from Helios and Vesta united in non dual Consciousness makes it possible for the changes of the Event to come to pass. Only in the Higher Realms can it take place. http://elizabethtrutwin.org/what ... nt-a-message-fro...

祂们的 “大宇宙之火” ~~就是这个我们谈及的 ~~

来自 “源头的能量”, 穿过银河大中央太阳Alcyone,

然后穿越星门, 穿越在以太的因果层~~



来自Helios and Vesta太阳神和灶神星的

“神圣之爱的光能”~~联结合力 ~~

在没有二元性的觉知意识之中 ~~

并让 “地球大转变事件”能够发生.


Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone created us in the 12th Dimension in Anti Matter or in light matter in the Aurora Sun System, a 23 Sun System where we spent aeons, trillions and trillions of years in linear time, in perfect bliss. We came from the Pleiades and a 12th Dimensional matrix of ourselves.

Mother Sekhmet 母神and 父神Alcyone

使用来自第12维度的 “非物质”或

称为 “在Aurora太阳系统的光物质”来


~~在那里我们活了永恒的时间, 在无数兆的线性时间中




As we co-created and moved through the 7 Super Universes overseen by Lord Lincor, Lord Metatron had to rebuild us a couple of times from the Divine Blueprint which He holds. We had access to all the powers and had to learn how to use them as we fell from the 100th Dimension to the 12th Dimension, to the 5th Dimension and down to the 3rd Dimension. There is nothing lower than the 3rd Dimension where One may have a physical body. Below that is gravel, sand.

随着我们共同创造着. 而且移动穿越~~~


Lord Metatron大天使梅塔特隆在过去(由于各种毁坏)必需重建了我们几次 ~~依照祂持有的 ‘神圣蓝图’!


而且必需学习如何去使用它们 ---


然后到第5维度, 之后到了第3维度时.


--- 再下去就是石头与沙了.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-29 18:33:01 | 显示全部楼层
We have now returned from the 9th Ring of the Western Milky Way Galaxy to the 3rd ring which is adjacent to Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation.

我们现在已经从the Western Milky Way Galaxy

西方的银河带的第9圈回转到第3圈了 ~~

而这是靠近银河大中央太阳Alcyone, 在昴宿星系的位置.

We have entered fully into the Photon Belt which is has been upshifting our DNA at a rapid and accelerating rate. As our DNA upshifts we are able to comprehend the Universal Law of the One. This changes our dualistic perspective to a Unitary Source-Connection as Divine expressions of All That Is. That shifts our understanding of motive and intention as we come to appreciate that all move forward together through mutual assistance and reverence for the Divine in all.

我们已经完全的进入了 “光子带” ~~




我们就能够理解 “宇宙的合一法律”.


而成为一个联合合一的, 与源头合一的理解

~~正如神圣表达中 “All That Is万有所是”(的正确真相理解).

这就会改变我们对于 “动机”与 “用心\企图心”的了解


所有的一切~~都是向前在移动着 ~~


以及对于所有人之内在所拥有的 “神性”的尊敬!!!

(RL注: 我的11月份的梦非常精彩,一个接一个, 全都与第五维度状况有关.~~ 刚好可以批注上面的这段话. 比方前几天的一个梦 ~~

让我获得精神压力最终的解脱 ~~




而每个人的头与下面的纯善只有一条细细的像龙卷风一样的线连系住, 但是几乎所有人都没有仔细去与自己下面的神性去连接, 而把心思全放在头部所看到的影片中, 而不断的做出各种愤怒, 凶狠的负面情绪出来,在伤人伤己中不断自导自演着各种戏码 ---

但都只奠基于自己脑中想象的全息影像世界. )

The Astrological Planetary, Solar and Galactic grand cycles came into full alignment with Galactic Center on December 21, 2012. In the last 11 months direct awakening pulses have been stimulating the embedded and precoded DNA Blueprints to bring all through this cleansing of 3D into the 5D Antimatter awakened state. The 13 crystal skulls are linking in Consciousness as they hold the Akasha or Etheric Memories for Earth. This brings our heart-mind crystalline structures to a heightened State of Awareness. Now All are able to Handle the Truth. This prepares All to move forward in Unity Consciousness with Divine Love.

天象行星, 太阳, 以及银河的大循环们


在最近的11个月里, 直接的觉醒\唤醒的脉博



而进入五维 ‘非物质的觉醒境界’.

而13个水晶骷髅头也正在连接上 ‘觉知意识’


或是称为以太层的记忆. ~~



现在, 全部的人都能面对 “真理\真相”.



In a few short decades after the Event, Earth will be prepared to move through the three-rings portal of the Central Sun at Alcyone. The Photon Belt is pulling this Solar System across the Milky Way Galaxy to that final flight back to the Anti Matter Universe of On.

在 “地球大转变事件”的短短几十年之后,

地球将会被准备好了来移动穿过 “大银河中央太阳Alcyone”


这光子带正在拉扯这个太阳系穿越the Milky Way Galaxy银河带

进入回到 “非物质宇宙嗡”的最后一段航程.

One of the Missions of ISON is to align the Planetary Grids. From the Solar Grid of One Unity Consciousness, into the Planetary Unity Grid of Divine Love. This further assists our I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light in the focus of the creation of Heaven on Earth, and our ability to maintain and increase our ability to hold light within our upgraded bodies to affect and create change within our realities. This has always been the Master Plan.

星船ISON的任务之一 ~~就是对齐行星的栅栏网络.

从太阳栅栏网络的 “合一的觉知意识”进入




在 “地球天堂”的创造工作上,

以及我们维持的能力, 并且增加我们的能力~~

来持有 ‘光’~~在我们已经升级的身体之中 ~~

来影响并且创造我们实相中的改变. ~~

这一直都是 “神圣大计划”!

(RL注: 我20131126日梦见我在纽约市要新开一家公司, 需要人手帮助.  有人介绍了几个人过来面试. 而我面试时小小考了他们一些思考能力问题, 他们竟然全部答对. 让我不胜惊讶! ~~因为这是很少见的现象. 显示社会人们思考能力与智慧的突然提升. 我惊讶到需要时间休息来调整我的兴奋之情. 也让我怀疑~~我是否已在五维!?)

The StarShip ISON orbits Earth and returns to the Sun in a very short period of time. The technologies equipped on this Vessel are far advanced to any science we now know. Soltec monitors and guides the Ship’s Path while connecting it to the Etheric Ships in Higher Realms as it carries out its Mission.

星船ISON环绕着地球轨道而走, 而且可以在很短的时间内回到太阳.


Soltec监测着, 引导着这条船的路线 ~~

而同时又把祂与在更高层的以太船连接在一起 ~~


ISON is scheduled to rendezvous with the Sun on America’s Thanksgiving Day. This coincides with a very early Chanukah. Chanukah celebrates the re-dedication of the Dome of the Rock StarGate in Jerusalem. The Jews believe that the Ezekiel Temple which will be built on the Temple Mount will happen in the future. The future is now.


这会刚好遇上早几天的犹太光明节Chanukah(注: 共八日).


Rock StarGate岩石星门的圆顶的重新奉献(?安置?)。

犹太人相信Ezekiel Temple庙 ~~

在未来将会建立在the Temple Mount圣殿山之上.


The Book of Ezekiel clearly describes this StarGate and also the StarShips in which Ezekiel made his journeys with the Galactics. The Muslims have been awaiting the return of the Mahdi. The Jews await the return of the Messiah. The Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and Hindus await the return of the Maitreya. The Mahdi, Kalki Maitreya and Messiah return together now through that StarGate at the Dome of the Rock in the Holy Land in Jerusalem. StarShip ISON facilitates All the Forces of Light returning to Earth during this period where we usher in Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men.

以西结书The Book of Ezekiel清楚的描述了这个星门,





马赫迪Mahdi,Kalki Maitreya卡尔奎弥勒佛和Messiah弥赛亚






 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-29 18:36:22 | 显示全部楼层
(下) (彗星ISON与地球大转变的关系)
November 30th the Planetary Astrological alignments have us entering the constellation Ophiuchus up until just before Christmas. Ophiuchus is attributed to St. Germain.He is the Serpant Holder and the 13th constellation in the Zodiac.

20131130日行星的天象连接对齐 ~~

会让我们在圣诞节之前进入 “蛇夫星座Ophiuchus”.



At the end of the Yuga, the end of the 26,000 year cycle Ophiuchus represents Christ Consciousness as well as Galactic Consciousness fully awakened in the human body. ISON works on our DNA birthing this realization for all on Earth. A year ago on December Solstice conjuncted Galactic Center on the same day when Galactic Center was Conjunct Cosmic Center.

在黑暗时代结束之时, 这2万6千年循环的结束

~~“蛇夫星座Ophiuchus”代表了 “耶稣基督意识”,

同时也是 “银河觉知意识” ~~在人身体中的完全觉醒.

星船ISON会在我们的DNA上诞生这样的 “领悟”



~~而银河中心在同一天与 “大宇宙中央”联体.

We entered the Golden Age of Light on January 1, 2013 unveiling Humanity’s Cosmic Ascension throughout the Milky Way. The Stars in the Milky Way light our Path back to the Anti Matter or Light Matter Universe of On. We have set a Course through the Sun back to our Home, the Universe of Light.

我们在20130101日已经进入了 “光的黄金时代” ~~


Milky Way的星星照亮了我们回到 “非物质宇宙”

或是 “光宇宙嗡”的道路.


~~ “光之宇宙”!

We are constantly moving toward that Ultimate. In the Constellation Ophiuchus One sees he stands right on Scorpio’s tail at 26 degrees Scorpio, at the Scorpi Black Hole. This is Galactic Center. This is Mother Sekhmet’s yoni through which we were born out of when we came from the Universe On.




在Scorpi Black Hole眼镜蛇黑洞处.~~那是银河中央.

那是母神Mother Sekhmet的yoni~~当我们来自嗡宇宙时,


StarShip ISON raises the magnetic energies which are the vibration of love. Venus is the only Planet in our Solar System which spins counterclockwise. That is because it is a magnetic Planet. It represents Love. We are reversing the spiral as we move up in Dimension.

星船ISON会提高这个电磁能量 ~~这个爱的振动频率.

金星则是我们太阳系中唯一的行星 ~~

她是顺时钟转动的. ~~这就是因为她是一个电磁行星.



StarShip ISON uses this magnetic liquid light energy, Etheric energy of Helios and Vesta for the triple alignment between the Giza Plateau, the Sedonian plateau on Mars, and the three stars in the Belt of Orion [El – An – Ra ].


来自Helios and Vesta太阳神和灶神星的


在这三面的联结对齐上 ~~

在吉萨高原Giza Plateau,火星上的Sedonian高原,

和在猎户座的腰带上的三颗星[El – An – Ra ]


The energies of Saturn, Uranus and Venus correlate with the alignments on Giza, Sedona, Mars and the Belt of Orion. StarShip ISON moves Earth and Mars back to their alignments before the Orion War when the Earth wobble was created in the Flood when the Waters of the Surface of Mars were thrust onto Earth.




~~在猎户座战争爆发之前 ~~那时地球摇晃着在洪流中才刚出生 ~~


The pyramidal grid areas of the pyramids on Mars are 10x bigger than the pyramidal grid areas at Giza and 5x bigger than the pyramidal grid areas in China's pyramid area. This action will heal the karma between Mars and Earth as well as the Planet Marduk and the Asteroid Belt. This heals the War between the Gods and the Hybrid Children of the daughters of Man and Gods.




所以星船ISON的这行动可以治疗在火星与地球之间的业障, 以及与行星马杜克和小行星带的业障。


We finally, ecstatically and orgasmically RETURN TO LOVE AS ONE. The 12 Rays of Cosmic Light and the 12 strands of DNA are returned to Wholeness. This was accomplished by the Kumaras agreeing to incarnate into each one of the 12 Tribes. In this way our DNA has been returned to Oneness. StarShip ISON circling the Sun prepares Earth to come sweetly into Zero Point by the end of 2013.

我们最后, 终于在狂喜与高潮中 “回归到爱的合一”之中.

这 “大宇宙光”的12条光线,

以及12条的DNA终于被恢复到 “整体”之中.



以这方式, 我们的DNA恢复到合一之中.


来甜蜜的进入 “零点场” ~~在2013年底!!!

The elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air merging with Liquid Light - the Ether and finally Higher Consciousness which is the 6th element end all suffering on Earth. We reestablish Heaven on Earth. As above, so below. Rejoice! The Goddess returns. This happened before when First Cause was born in the Hindu story of the Peaceful Deities and the Wrathful Deities churning the Milky Way Galaxy during a passage through Ophiuchus at Galactic Center. These are the Elohi Angels who never fell and the Elohim Fallen Angels. They simply forgot how much they were loved. Wars were waged. We return to Wholeness. Together as One in Unity Consciousness.

所有地水火风元素都与液态光融合 ---

先在以太层, 然后最后到达更高的觉知意识 ~~


我们重建 “天堂地球”. 在上如同在下! 欢庆吧!


以前这事发生过 ~~

当 “第一因”诞生在印度故事的 “和平神佛”

以及愤怒的神佛搅和出了the Milky Way Galaxy银河系




他们忘了他们是多么的被爱着的. 战争发生了.



Billions wanted to be here and you were chosen. You chose as an Ascended Master to come back and have an Earth experience in Duality and face all the challenges necessary for as long as needed to walk Earth back to Love. This is why Ashtar always said No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. No one knew in Earth days how long it would take. Ashtar needed to keep egos in check so the Angel within would have the space needed to come forward and be healed for the sake of Earth.

几十亿人想要在此时在这里, 可是你被选上了.

你是以 “一个已扬升大师”的身份被选上, 回来,

经历地球的二元性, 而且面对所有的必需的挑战

~~只要那些是陪伴地球走回 ‘爱’ 中所需要的挑战.

这是为何 “阿斯塔司令” 一直都说:

“不给日期, 不准核武, 也没有寄生虫.”





In the way-back-when millions of years ago before we descended into physical bodies we were plasma light Beings. StarShip ISON is facilitating our return to our origin as we become more liquid light plasmic we travel in our body through the love of our open heart into the Multidimensional Realms of existence. We become our Body of Light fully and Physically Immortal. You are connecting back to Galactic Center, the Black Hole which is a Portal back to the Universe of On. You are connecting through the Suns for unifying, healing and activating.

回首从前 ~~在几百万年以前,

在我们降落入物质身体之前 ~~



~~随着我们变得更为液体的光离子 ~~



对 “多维度存在实相”的开放进入.

我们变成了我们的光体 ~~


你正在连接回去 “银河中央”,

透过这个黑洞星门 ~~回到“嗡宇宙”.

你正在透过太阳们而连接回去 ~~

处理合一整合, 疗愈, 以及启动.

As we continue to watch the Path of ISON into December we will see the StarShip just before the break of dawn in the north each day until the Full Moon which occurs on the last day we travel through Ophiuchus and  72 hours before the December Solstice. This Solstice marks the shortest day that year and each day after becomes brighter and brighter leading right into Spring.

随着我们继续观察星船ISON的 “路线”进入12月份, ~~我们会看到这星船~~每天在北方天空, 在天亮之前 ~~一直到满月之时 ---这可视景象会发生在我们旅行穿越“蛇夫星座Ophiuchus”, 以及在12月冬至的72小时之前. 这冬至标志着一年最短的一天, 之后每天会越来越亮 ~~直到走入春天.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-29 18:37:02 | 显示全部楼层
Between December 21 and New Year’s Eve ISON will be visible all night long. Between January 1st and the 10th of January ISON will pull away from the Earth and the Sun and become too dim for us to see. The Event will be ripe for the timing. With Full Galactic Disclosure Peace on Earth brings Landings and New Earth. At the same time, the BIG arrests will finally take place.
在20131221日到除夕之间 ~~
而 “地球大转变事件”的时间将会成熟.
而随着 “完全的银河大揭露”与地球的和平
~~将会带出 “飞船大降落”和 “新地球”.
在同时间, “最大的逮捕”也终于会发生!

Before that happens and during December these energetic changes may hold some challenges for you. At times you may feel like you are going crazy. Emotions can be very low one minute and very high the next. One may experience those close to us having the same swing of emotions on opposite days. Know that this is a great time of flux. Allow the others in your life the space they need as the OLD is cast out of their very cells. The light from StarShip ISON emanating Helios and Vesta into the cellular memory in the DNA lifts body, mind and heart onto New Earth.
在那发生之前, 以及在12月份 ~~
这些能量的改变 ~~可能会对你造成一些挑战.
情绪可能一分钟前很低, 而下一分钟很高.
请知道这是一个 “随顺自然流动”的大好日子!
因为 “老东西”正在从他们的细胞中被踢出去.
放射着Helios and Vesta太阳神和灶神星的光能
提升着身体, 心智与本心~~进入 “新地球”.

Watch to see chaos rein before all is complete with changeover. The dark cabal cut their DNA strands and now that this healing is taking place they are finding those connections are impossible to repair. When they cut their 11th Strand of DNA it is connected with Emotions. The 12th Strand of DNA is connected to LOVE.
请看着所有的混乱在 ‘改变’完成之前变得纯粹化!
而现在 ~~疗愈正在发生当中 ~~
可是他们会发现这 ‘切断的连接’是无法修复的!
当他们切掉他们的第11条DNA链条 ---
可是第12条DNA链条~~那是与 “爱”连接的!

Some within the dragon families will find that they cannot access these healings and they will become rebellious as the end nears. You will continue to see acting out. This may be in the form of false flags, shootings, weather manipulation or worse. Blaze the Violet Flame as we enter this challenging time through middle December.
有些(邪恶)龙家族们 ---
而且随着年的结束 --- 它们会变得叛逆.
这可能会以 “事先安排好的假事件”, “枪击事件”,
所以把内心的 “紫萝兰火焰”烧得旺些吧!

It is very important at this time to become absolutely detached from all things in your life. If you resist, pain and suffering will follow. Decidedly. Know that the flux period is in Divine Order and this is the only way to carry out the changes for Billions of Souls. Be Peace Within. Forgive yourself swiftly if you make a mistake. Forget it. Keep walking. Lean into the wind.
在这段时间之中, 非常重要的是~~
要完全绝对的~~放下执着 ~~
要知道这 “随顺自然的流动”时期
假如你犯了错的话 ~~立即原谅自己!
忘了吧! 继续往前走! 顺风而行!

StarShip ISON is working together with the wormhole created by the Archangels between Jupiter and Earth creating unprecedented swift changes in the Cosmos. We are almost there! Call on Me for Guidance. I am always beside you. You are never alone. Namaste! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 26, 2013. © All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org
在木星与地球之间的黑洞 ~~在一起工作着
~~创造着大宇宙内所前未见过的 “快速转变”!
请呼唤我的指引! 我总是在你身旁. 你从来就不孤单! Namaste!
耶稣撒南达透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导, 20131126

发表于 2013-11-30 05:27:25 | 显示全部楼层
(RL注: 我的11月份的梦非常精彩,一个接一个, 全都与第五维度状况有关.~~ 刚好可以批注上面的这段话. 比方前几天的一个梦 ~~

让我获得精神压力最终的解脱 ~~




每个人的头与下面的纯善只有一条细细的像龙卷风一样的线连系住, 但是几乎所有人都没有仔细去与自己下面的神性去连接, 而把心思全放在头部所看到的影片中, 而不断的做出各种愤怒, 凶狠的负面情绪出来,在伤人伤己中不断自导自演着各种戏码 ---

但都只奠基于自己脑中想象的全息影像世界. )
发表于 2013-11-30 05:32:19 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢Rose的分享,从这些信息看, “地球大转变事件”的时间将要成熟了。
发表于 2014-1-12 08:35:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-1-12 12:25:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-1-15 13:08:03 | 显示全部楼层
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