【原文】林间松韵 石上泉声 静里听来 识天地自然鸣佩
草际烟光 水心云影 闲中观去 见乾坤最上文章
【英译】The music of rustling pines. The tinkling of spring water over rocks.
Everything entering your ears is part of Nature's chimes.
The haze over tall grasses. The cloud's shadow amidst water.
Watching them at leisure is like reading the best essay of the Universe.
【原文】宁守浑噩而黜聪明 留些正气还天地 宁谢纷华而甘淡泊 遗个清名在乾坤
【英译】Be a little unwitting and stay away from astuteness,
save some righteousness for the world.
Rid of extravagance and lead a simple life,
save an untainted name in history.
【原文】琴书诗画 达士以之养性灵 而庸夫徒赏其迹象
山川云物 高人以之助学识 而俗子徒玩其光华
可见事物无定品 随人识见以为高下 故读书穷理 要以识趣为先
【英译】Music, books, poems, and paintings cultivate a scholar's mind,
whilst a common fellow only enjoys the superficiality.
Mountains, rivers, clouds, and scenery enrich an intellectual's knowledge, yet an ordinary person only appreciates the image.
Nothing defines anything. It is all subject to one's comprehension.
So, to pursue knowledge, one needs to have insights.
【原文】人解读有字书 不解读无字书 知弹有弦琴 不知弹无弦琴
以迹用不以神用 何以得琴书佳趣
【英译】People know how to read a book with words but not a book without words. People know how to play a stringed instrument, but not one without strings.
If you only know how to recognize something practical and nothing spiritual, how can you appreciate the wonders of music and books.
【原文】诗思在灞陵桥上 微吟就 林岫便已浩然 野兴在镜湖曲边 独往时 山川自相映发
【英译】Over the little BaLing Bridge where people waved farewell,
my poetic thoughts flows while watching the woods and caves.
Alone by the bend of the mirror lake, where courtiers used to retire,
My outreaching spirit is stimulated by the mountain and the river.
【评析】不闭门读佛经,不开门迎嘉宾,便出门寻山寻水,觅诗情画意。出门寻山,远观是“烟中列岫青无数,雁背夕阳红欲暮”,近观是“明月松间照,清泉石上流”。出门寻水,方知湖光有三分:一分湖光映树,一分湖光映山,一分湖光映我。 |